Terms of service.

Booking Policy

  • Non-refundable & non-transferable booking fee is required to secure your appoint. This amount will be credited towards your total. Booking fees will vary for each type of service.

  • Your remaining balance will be due at the end of your appointment. Cash preferred but Credit Card, Zelle, Venmo, Paypal are accepted.

Late/No Show

  • If you arrive more than 10 minutes late, you will be considered a “No Show” and this will result in forteiture of your booking fee.


  • You are not allowed to cancel for any reason. We kindly ask if you are not able to make your appointment, please extend the courtesy of texting, messaging, or emailing us to let us know. Should you decide to cancel, this will result in forfeiture of your booking fee.


  • I understand life happens. If you need to reschedule your appointment, you must notify me 48 hours prior to your appointment. No notification will result in your booking fee to be forfeited and a new booking fee will be required to book another appointment. You are allowed to reschedule only once.

Additional Guest Policy

NO additional guests, children, or pets area allowed in the studio due to hazardous materials and cross contamination.

No refund policy

NO REFUNDS will be issued at any point of time once procedure has started, as the service is partially or fully completed.

Photo/Video Policy

Photos/Videos will be taken before and after as required by my insurance and may be posted on social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, Website, etc. for marketing/advertising purposes.